Ruth Behar
In 1960s New York, fifth-grader Ruthie, a Cuban-Jewish immigrant, must rely on books, art, her family, and friends in her multicultural neighborhood when an accident puts her in a body cast.
Ruthie Mizrahi hasn't lived in America long, but it's finally starting to feel like home. In the months since she's arrived from Cuba, she's begun mastering English, has her first pair of go-go boots, and is her neighborhood's hopscotch queen. Then one night...
Pura Belpre Award Winner Ruth Behar's inspiring story of a Jewish girl who escapes Poland to make a new life in Cuba, where she works to rescue the rest of her family The situation is getting dire for Jews in Poland on the eve of World War II. Esther's father has fled to Cuba, and she is the first one to join him. It's heartbreaking to be separated from her beloved sister, so Esther promises to write down everything that happens until they're reunited....
Beacon Press
Pub. Date
Translated Woman tells the story of an unforgettable encounter between Ruth Behar, a Cuban-American feminist anthropologist, and Esperanza Hernández, a Mexican street peddler. The tale of Esperanza's extraordinary life yields unexpected and profound reflections on the mutual desires that bind together anthropologists and their "subjects."
Beacon Press
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The 25th-anniversary edition of the groundbreaking book that changed anthropology, asserting that ethnographers needn’t exclude themselves or their vulnerabilities from their work
In a new epilogue to this classic work, renowned ethnographer and storyteller Ruth Behar reflects on the groundbreaking impact The Vulnerable Observer has had on anthropology, sociology, and psychology and on scholarly writing. A pocket companion for...
In a new epilogue to this classic work, renowned ethnographer and storyteller Ruth Behar reflects on the groundbreaking impact The Vulnerable Observer has had on anthropology, sociology, and psychology and on scholarly writing. A pocket companion for...
Vintage Español
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"ESPAÑA, 1492: La familia de Benvenida huye de la Inquisición. Todos están en peligro si no renuncian a sus creencias religiosas. TURQUÍA, 1923: Después de la Guerra de Independencia, Reina confía en que tendrá más libertad. Pero su padre la castiga, exiliándola a Cuba. CUBA, 1961: Alegra, la hija de Reina, se ilusiona con el triunfo de la Revolución. No sospecha que sus días en la isla están contados. MIAMI, 2003: A Paloma, la hija de...
10) Pepita y bebita
Alfred A. Knopf
Pub. Date
Cuando la perrita Pepita y la bebé, Bebita, se conocen, necesitarán algo de tiempo y mucho amor para convertirse en las mejores amigas.
Family pup Pepita must learn how to welcome a fussy new baby into the home.
11) Cartas de Cuba
Vintage Español
Pub. Date
"La inspiradora historia de una joven judía que escapa de Polonia para rehacer su vida en Cuba, mientras trabaja para rescatar al resto de su familia. La situación se está poniendo terrible para los judíos en Polonia en vísperas de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. El padre de Esther ha huido a Cuba y ella es la primera en seguir sus pasos y reencontrarse con él en la isla. Vivir separada de su querida hermana es desgarrador, por lo que Esther promete...
Vintage Español, una división de Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial
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Cuando Ruthie Mizrahi se muda con su familia desde su tierra natal, Cuba, a las animadas calles de Nueva York, tiene much que asimilar: nuevos paisajes, nuevos sonidos y un nuevo idioma.
In 1960s New York, fifth-grader Ruthie, a Cuban-Jewish immigrant, must rely on books, art, her family, and friends in her multicultural neighborhood when an accident puts her in a body cast.
Alfred A. Knopf
Pub. Date
Hogar significa esperanza en tiempos de cambio. Hogar significa mazal bueno en un nuevo comienzo. Hogar es una llave a las historias de familia que no se ovidan.
Estrella learns about her Cuban and Jewish heritage as she helps her aunt move from her Miami apartment to an assisted living community.
Playaway Products, LLC
Pub. Date
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When Estrella's Tia Fortuna has to say goodbye to her longtime Miami apartment building, The Seaway, to move to an assisted living community, Estrella spends the day with her. Tia explains the significance of her most important possessions from both her Cuban and Jewish culture, as they learn to say goodbye together and explore a new beginning for Tia. A lyrical book about tradition, culture, and togetherness, Tia Fortuna's New Home explores Tia and...
Playaway Products, LLC
Pub. Date
Cuando Fortuna, la tia de Estrella, tiene que despedirse de su antiguo edificio de apartamentos en Miami, The Seaway, para mudarse a una comunidad de vida asistida, Estrella pasa todo el dia con ella. Su tia le explica el significado de sus posesiones mas importantes, tanto de su cultura cubana como judia, mientras ambas se despiden y exploran un nuevo comienzo para la tia. Un conmovedor libro sobre la tradicion, la cultura y la union familiar, El...
Orca Books Publishers
Pub. Date
"This illustrated nonfiction anthology is a collection of stories and recipes about antiracism from 21 North American children's authors."--
"What if talking about racism was as easy as baking a cake, frying plantains or cooking rice? The Antiracist Kitchen: 21 Stories (and Recipes) is a celebration of food, family, activism and resistance in the face of racism. In this anthology featuring stories and recipes from 21 diverse and award-winning North...